Ghost blows out the light

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Original Title: Knowledge of Cutting Tools: Drill Technology 1. Craft /Processing 1.1 Craft According to the diameter

At the last moment when people's nerves were about to collapse, the hungry wolf, who had bitten the Lama's iron rod, finally snatched it off with the wolf's mouth, but it exerted too much force to stop, and retreated to the grenade that was about to explode. "Bang" exploded, white smoke flew, and most of the shrapnel was driven by the unfortunate wolf. The wolf was like a weightless bag. He was lifted more than half a person's height by the shock wave and then fell heavily to the ground. Three or four hungry wolves inside the wall, including the Wolf King, were stunned, and then jumped out of the wall one after another, and disappeared into the night without looking back. The old and weak wolves outside were frightened by the gunfire. Hearing the explosion, especially the smoke of the grenade explosion in the air, they were even more frightened. They immediately scattered and ran away. The fierce wolves in the wolf pack died more than a dozen times. It's hard to become a climate in a short time. I turned over, without looking at the wounds on my body, picked up the rifle that Gema had dropped to the ground, stabbed the wounded wolves in the wall to death with bayonets, and then sat down on the ground. Like a lost soul,Narrow aisle rack, half a day can not slow down, at this time if the wolves kill a horse gun, even if they are old and weak hungry wolves, we have to be glorious. Just as I was gasping for breath, I heard the Lama shouting that it was not good. I hurried to get up. It turned out that Gema had fallen in a pool of blood. Just now my eyes were all blue. When I came to my senses, I hurriedly joined hands with the old Lama Zhou to help the military doctor Gema up. When I saw the wound, the Lama and I were all dumbfounded. A part of my intestines was pulled out by the wolf. It was hanging green outside the uniform,Industrial pallet rack, and it was frozen on top. I was so anxious that I shed tears and could not speak. Fortunately, the Lama had learned medicine in the temple and had done emergency treatment for Gema. When he explored Gema's breathing, although his breath was gossamer, he was still alive after all. I looked at the big man again. Although his wound was serious, he did not lose blood. With his strong physique, he was not seriously injured. I asked the Lama, "Can the Red Army soldier hold out until dawn?" Now that the horses were dead, it was impossible for the Lama and I to take the two seriously wounded out of the wilderness, so we had to hope that the reinforcements would arrive as soon as possible. Fortunately, the wolves have fled into the mountains. In the night sky, the Jade Rabbit was already slanting. The Lama looked at the bright moon, which was half blocked by the mountain peak. "It's almost dawn. As long as you keep the body temperature of the two armies, you should still be saved. Don't worry, Drive in racking system ,Cantilever Storage rack, I will chant sutras and ask the Buddha to protect me." I wiped away my frozen snot and tears, expressing my doubts about the way in which chanting sutras could save the lives of the wounded. The Lama added, "You just watch the fire. The more it burns, the better. The light of the fire will attract the auspicious dakini. I will make a great vow. If the Buddha opens his eyes and lets the wounded be safe, I will go to the lake in Ratsoram for the rest of my life until the final liberation of my life." (Ratsoram, place name, holy lake to bless the recovery of the sick, meaning the lake of fairies hanging in the sky) Seeing that the Lama spoke solemnly, I couldn't help feeling grateful, so I covered the big man and Gema with all the clothes they could cover, lit a fire under the leeward wall, and wiped the Lama's secret medicine on my wound. The clouds in the east gradually turned dark red, and the dawn had appeared. I had mixed feelings and stared blankly at the prayer bucket in the Lama's hand. Listening to him recite the Dharani Sutra under the big white umbrella, I had a strange feeling of listening to the sounds of nature. Around ten o'clock on the same day, we were found by the brother company who rushed to meet us. The troops blocked the Kunlun Mountain. Gema, the big man, and I had to be evacuated urgently. When we parted, I asked the Lama what to do with the "more troops" near the ghost lake? Whether to ask the Buddha to bury it with big salt and then burn it, as he said before. The Lama nodded yes and said that he would go to Lake Ratsumram to pray for the wounded, but he would go back to tell the Buddha about it first. May the army be auspicious and the Buddha bless you safely. I said to Fatty and Shirley Yang, "Then I went deep into the Kunlun Mountains with the army for construction. My comrade-in-arms, the big man, was still alive, but he became a disabled soldier. The military doctor Gema never woke up and became a vegetable. I would visit them when I was free. The ruins of the ruined temple and the ancient tomb are still preserved today. I recall them now." The rest doesn't matter. The key is that the corpse of the ancient tomb, the special clothes and expressions it wears, and the bronze figures and murals we saw in the tomb of King Xian are all very imaginative. The local Tibetans all say that it is the tomb of the ghost mother of the ancient demon kingdom, but this is only based on the legend that the ghost mother can be reincarnated, and there should be more than one. The historical records of the Demon Kingdom only exist in long poems passed down orally, and no one has really seen what clothes the ghost mother and demon concubine wear. After listening to my story, Shirley Yang said to me, "The city depicted in the murals enshrines a huge eyeball totem. The figures in it are the same as the corpses in the ancient tomb under the Phoenix Temple. Perhaps that city is the altar of the Demon Kingdom. I don't know what unknown connection there is between the Demon Kingdom and the bottomless ghost cave." It seems that after returning to Beijing, I have to be busy again. First of all, I will cut the head of King Xian to see if the dust beads inside are real. In addition, I will try to find the first half of the sixteen Yin and Yang geomantic secrets, so that I can interpret the information about the dust beads in the keel. Finally, I must collect some information about the mysterious Dynasty of the Demon Kingdom, because once I can't piece together the sixteen characters, The Dragon Bone Heavenly Book cannot be interpreted, and the information about the dust beads may all fall on it. We will take a two-pronged approach to see which link we can make a breakthrough in. I don't know if the Iron Rod Lama is still alive. Maybe we can learn more or less about what we want to know by going to the Lake of the Fairy Lake "Ratsoram" hanging in the sky to catch up with him. Chapter 178 of the main text, the collector of death. Mobile E-book · Feiku Net Update Time: 2007-4-28 17:17:00 Number of Words in this Chapter: 3173 After returning to Beijing, Shirley Yang and I worked separately. She was responsible for finding equipment to scan and strip the head of King Xian. The work of decomposing 16 jade rings naturally fell on my head. But it seemed simple,Pallet rack supplier, but in fact there was no place to start. In a day or two, Shirley Yang should have a result, and I wanted to work hard without a direction. I had to sit and wait for her news all day.
