on time delivery

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on time deliveryon time deliveryon time delivery

on time delivery Transportation Management System (TMS) for cargo tracking and real-time vehicle tracking XKtrack is bound with the goods in each order. XKtrack automatically tracks, collects and reports the data of goods in transit, and sends risk alerts to help users to intervene early in any cargo issues. XKtrack realizes real-time cargo tracking and vehicle tracking and automatically estimates the delivery time. XKtrack also provides a convenient self-service query. Two challenges for long-distance transportation of goods 1. Tracking goods in each order remains difficult and inefficient Logistics transportation usually involves multiple links. At present, the traditional solution of cargo tracking includes an in-vehicle GPS device which only allows the tracking of vehicles instead of the in-transit goods in each order. Any subcontracting, or diversion of the transportation of goods may result in tracking inefficiency, inaccuracy, or loss of tracking records. 2. Poor information flow in segmented transportation leads to increased risks and reduced timeliness The lack of a real-time tracking solutions in segmented transportation may result in poor information flow and the inability for users to intervene early in issues such as the detention of goods in transit, which greatly increases the risk of delay in delivery. XKtrack transportation management system (TMS) solutions 1. XKtrack provides real-time, visualizable and online monitoring throughout transportation with multiple positioning technologies. Tied one-to-one with the vehicles, goods, and waybills and supported by the 3 positioning technologies, XKtrack tracker enables precise positioning and delivers real-time information including the location, status, route and transport speed of raw materials to address problems, including layers of subcontractors during transportation and information gaps. It provides real-time transparent and visualizable data during the whole transportation and automatically forecasts the arrival time according to speed analysis to help enterprises make reasonable production planning. 2. XKtrack supports smart early alerts on exceptional situations to avoid transportation risks in advance. The system would automatically trigger smart early alerts under exceptional situations including abnormal stop, overtime stop, overtime transportation, deviation from the track, non-scheduled devanning, and would notify the relevant personnel to make early interventions to guarantee the safety of the goods in transit and greatly reduce accidents caused by delays in delivery. 3. XKtrack provides customers with an independent inquiry of cargo tracking to enhance the service experience XKtrack is able to satisfy the inspection requirements of the shippers and receivers immediately. It shares the tracking of cargo transportation to upstream and downstream clients with phones or other devices to facilitate clients to inquire cargo information on their own, reduce the workload of customer service staff from logistics enterprises, and enhance the customer service experience. on time delivery website:http://www.xktrack.com/on-time-delivery-solutions-ensured-by-lbs-wifi-gps/
