Tailor your studies to your learning style

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Incorporate activities that fit your learning style. Figure out which learning style fits you most.

Visual learners absorb more information when they can see it, auditory learners take in information by listening, and kinesthetic learners engage more with movement. Personalize your study sessions by using your learning style.
If you're a visual learner, you might highlight your notes or text. You may also try incorporating a documentary or slideshow into your studies. You might also like drawing a mind map so you can represent what you're thinking visually free games.
If you're an auditory learner, you might try singing your notes, reading aloud, or listening to your text on audiobook.
If you're a kinesthetic learner, try acting out your notes or walking around while you read or listen to an audiobook. Physically manipulating flashcards or drawing a mind map might also work for you.
