The Great Age of Science and Technology in the Other World

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Sissolis kept talking about the glorious history of Centair, but Li Hengxin ignored her. He was not in the mood

Sissolis kept talking about the glorious history of Centair, but Li Hengxin ignored her. He was not in the mood to listen to Sissolis's nonsense. As Sisolis said, the boundary is indeed close to perfect here, and the inside of the boundary they are in is like a compressor, constantly squeezing inward. And the longer the time, the stronger the outer wall of the boundary. Suddenly, Li Hengxin turned around: "Give me your sickle." "No, why should I give it to you?" Sisolis did not know what Li Hengxin was going to do, but she refused Li Hengxin's request in the most direct way. How could she send back what she had managed to get back. Li Hengxin's face turned black: "If you don't give it to me, I will rape you first and then kill you. Kill you and then rape you!" Sissolis was stunned and didn't do much thinking. Immediately handed the sickle to Li Hengxin, Li Hengxin white eyes west Solis, she had to say cruel words to be obedient. Li Hengxin took the sickle and cut the blade into the outer wall, but after high-intensity compression, the outer wall formed by the air was a hundred times stronger than steel, and the sickle touched the outer wall, making a metallic sound. Li Hengxin threw the sickle back into Sisolis's hand: "Attack here with all your strength. Remember, go all out. It's time to live or die here." "It's no use." Sisolis thought it was a waste of energy. Cut the crap. You want to die. I haven't lived enough. Li Hengxin said bitterly. Sisolis glared at Li Hengxin, but still raised the sickle, although she felt inexplicable to Li Hengxin's request, felt that there was no hope, but she still used all her strength, affected by her,mineral flotation, the black gas trapped in the boundary began to converge on her body. Sisolis looked a little black under her skin, her hair was flying, her eyes were wide open, and she looked like a female ghost, but she was much more advanced than a female ghost. Li Hengxin in the side look a little confused, this power is afraid to be several times stronger than before, it seems that the sickle in the hand of Sisolis is indeed very different from the usual. Hey- Sisolis gave a low shout, and the sickle drove the black gas down from the top and toward the outer wall,small gold wash plant, bringing out the black gas like an enlarged version of the sickle, straight into the outer wall. All hands on the ground! Li Hengxin shouted loudly, and he was chasing the rear of the black gas. Daniel and others did not hesitate. The situation at the moment did not allow them to think too much. Everyone tried their best to go to the ground. Boom, boom, boom A deep explosion came from the bottom of the earth, and the ground was like a wave, one after another, spreading around, and this force extended to the outer wall with the help of the ground, and the outer wall also fluctuated. At this time, the black sickle wielded by Sisolis also came, hissing, like the sound of air being torn, leaving a clear mark on the outer wall, but not completely breaking through the outer wall. Boom At this time, coltan ore processing ,gold heap leaching, Li Hengxin's attack also followed. Li Hengxin tried his best to fill the crack torn by the sickle. The whole knot rolled up the wind. Li Hengxin had already opened a substantial crack in the mark, and then the high-pressure airflow flowed to the low-pressure area. A crack was enough to destroy the whole boundary. This is like an egg, although the egg has a nearly perfect oval shape, if it is forced to crush, the force required is much higher than the strength of the egg itself, but if only to open a gap is very simple, as long as the force can be concentrated on one point. In fact, Li Hengxin has been thinking about how to use more powerful power to destroy the boundary before, but then he found himself into a misunderstanding, in this time prison, want to use more powerful power is undoubtedly a fool's dream, so it is more realistic to use the power now. Sisolis's strength is too sharp, pure strength is not enough, and his strength is too strong, but can not concentrate the strength in a certain range. Li Hengxin just thought of the strength of himself and Sisolis. If they complement each other, there may be hope to destroy the boundary. However, this is not enough. The strength of the outer wall of the boundary is too high. If there is a hard collision, the attack of Sisolis is likely to collapse in an instant. Books . Net -Whole.. Reason . Mention . Supply So Li Hengxin wants to use Daniel and others to create a shock wave on the outer wall. Then there is no need for Li Hengxin to start, the internal air crazy rush to the outside, and a narrow crack is constantly being torn open by the internal air. Is it true that Sisolis couldn't believe his eyes? He really did it, just relying on the strength of himself and others. She couldn't believe it, or understand it, because she remembered that there had been some more powerful souls who had not succeeded, but she and others had succeeded, which made her wonder if it was true. There is no absolute attack, there is no perfect defense, as long as you can think of a way to crack, everything is possible. This time Li Hengxin can say so proud, looking at the eyes of Sisoulis unknown, Li Hengxin's heart felt a burst of satisfaction, small sample, see you dare to look down on me! There was a sudden gust of wind on the plain, and Sentel's face in the distance was extremely ugly. He and the people around him could not believe that all this would be true. This was the perfect boundary that he and his men had spent millions of years thinking of. This was also his secret killing move, which he had never thought would fail. Mona, the shadow God beside Sentel, opened his mouth wide: "How.." What's wrong How can our boundary be broken. Centel looked back at the side of a group of spiritually dispirited souls, the heart has prepared for the worst, he has officially started on Daniel and others, then the next is the situation of endless death. But at the moment their own people because of the layout of the boundary, resulting in personal strength has been greatly affected, the other side has just cracked the boundary, even if there is not a small consumption, now see who will recover first, when the time comes will be the first to launch an attack. Sentel thought so, Daniel also thought so, just now, although only a blow, but let him consume 70% of the strength,sodium cyanide price, in this time prison, the recovery of strength can not be achieved in a short time, so they have to seize the time to recover.
