Plain Hand Robbery-Wolongsheng _ txt Novel Paradise

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Plain Hand Robbery-Wolongsheng _ txt Novel Paradise

With a faint sigh, Tian Xiuling hung her head and said, "Sometimes it's impossible to explain people's likes and dislikes, but there's really another reason why she hates her future husband." "What's the reason?" Ren Wuxin blurted out. Tian Xiuling suddenly raised her head and said in a deep voice, "Just because he is cunning and suspicious by nature, he doesn't trust anyone or anything, and he is unfeeling. What he has said since he was a child is the opposite of what people say everywhere. That is to say, things are obviously sweet, but he prefers to say that they are bitter and square, and he prefers to say that they are round, which makes people unpredictable. And at any time, he is afraid that someone will harm him. Every night." He won't sleep until everyone else is asleep, and he won't trust anything his own mother says. With a deep sigh, she added, "Perhaps this character was cultivated by the environment in which he grew up, because several generations of his grandfathers were killed immediately after marriage, so he hated marriage from an early age, and naturally he also hated his future wife." Ren Wuxin sighed heavily and said sadly, "No matter who grows up in that kind of environment, I'm afraid he will inevitably become insane and act strangely." Qingyun Taoist and others were even more moved. Although they were old, they were not deeply involved in the world. When they heard these strange things in the world,face recognition identification, they could not help but be shocked for a moment. Tian Xiuling answered, "If you want that girl to marry a man of this character, she would rather die than follow.". On the wedding day, although the ceremony was grand, it was very simple, because although the Wulin family was famous, it seldom communicated with the people of Wulin,touch screen kiosk, so it can be said that there were no guests. The Taoist Priest Qingyun sighed and said, "It should be a great event in the martial arts world for the young master of the Nangong Family to welcome the bride, but what he did was very secret. The poor Taoist Priests didn't even get the message." Tian Xiuling answered, "Just because I never sent out an invitation on the day of the wedding ceremony, not only was there no greeting." Not even a gift was sent. Ren Wuxin's eyes suddenly flashed and he said, "Don't you really even have a gift?" Tian Xiuling seemed to recognize that his voice was different. She turned to look at him and shook her head. "None," she said. Ren Wuxin hesitated and said, "Please go on, girl." Tien Hsiu-ling said, "The wedding ceremony was over before the drums were raised. The girl's thoughts were confused and she was sent to the bridal chamber in a daze. Her grandmother-in-law repeatedly told her to give birth to a son to carry on the family line for this family. She said with a smile, 'All my daughters-in-law look like men. The first child must be a man.'" With a look of hatred in her eyes, she said in a resentful voice, "But those people have finally gone. There is only one couple left in the bridal chamber. The woman's palm is tucked in her sleeve, and she is holding the hilt of the knife tightly in her palm." As soon as the boy moved her, she would draw her sword. But the boy was so clever that he seemed to have seen through her mind. Suddenly he asked her with a sneer, information kiosk price ,temperature scanning kiosks, 'What are you doing with a knife in your hand? Are you trying to kill me? ?’ "Naturally, she was taken aback. The boy suddenly went to close the window, tied up the door, and looked at her in a deep voice. 'Don't worry. Even if you kneel on the ground and beg me, I won't touch you. From now on, you and I will be husband and wife during the day. At night, you will sleep in bed and I will sleep on the ground.'" "But the girl didn't even want to be in the same room with him, so she immediately asked him how long it would take to pretend like that."? A strange look suddenly appeared on the boy's face. He said to her, 'To be born in my family is to be wronged in all things. To tell you the truth, even I don't know how many strange things there are in this family at the moment. If you can't bear it, I'm afraid you'll meet something worse than death.' "The girl was astonished to hear what he had said. He stood there for a long time, and his eyebrows seemed to be full of resentment. He said slowly, 'Now that I'm married, I'm afraid I'll be leaving in a month or two. I'm not being kind to you, but I don't want to leave any offspring for them.'" "It was not until that day that the girl found that the family seemed to be full of hatred for each other, and the relationship between the family." It is to hold each other together with hatred. "When the child had finished speaking, he went to sleep on the ground and paid no attention to her. After more than twenty days, he did go out. Before he left, he did not say a word to her nominal wife, but glared at her fiercely. The bitterness and hatred in his eyes would never be forgotten by anyone, and he never returned after he left." Her eyes slowly swept over the faces of the others, and she said with a sad smile, "Needless to say, you must have known that the girl was a concubine. The concubine told this secret in front of you just to let you judge whether the concubine was a humble and unfaithful woman." Ren Wuxin looked gloomy and speechless, and on the faces of Taoist Qingyun and others, he showed more sympathy and compassion. Qingsong Taoist suddenly said in a loud voice, "According to the poor Taoist, it's enough to have female Tan Yue to escort Ren Xianggong." The Taoist Priest Qingyun said slowly, "That's what I mean, but I don't know what Ren Xianggong means." Ren Wuxin nodded slowly and turned to look at Tian Xiuling. Tian Xiuling hung her head for a long time, then suddenly gritted her teeth, raised her head, and looked directly at Ren Wuxin. Ren Wuxin smiled sadly and said, "Is Miss Tian still willing to escort her down?" In Tian Xiuling's sorrowful eyes, there was already a look of great determination. "Naturally, I am willing," she said slowly. Qingyun Taoist and others could not help sighing in the dark, knowing that she needed great courage to say these four words at the moment. There was a slight pause in her voice, and then she suddenly said, "But my concubine has nothing to ask for except to see the two elder wonders in the Valley of Death. If God blesses me, I can solve some secrets this time. From now on, my concubine will.." Then.. Suddenly he hung his head and his shoulders trembled slightly. There was no other sound in the room, only a slight recitation between the long lips of Qingyun Dao, which seemed to be reciting the scriptures in a low voice. Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the cloud room, and there was a sound of galloping. Taoist Qingyun's face changed slightly. "Who is he?" He shouted in a low voice. Panting outside the cloud room,smart whiteboard price, he said, "My disciple has a pure heart. I have something to report to the Master." Qingyun Taoist Chang Weihui frowned and said in a deep voice, "What is so alarming?" Come in 。
