Fight against the sky

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"Captain Zhan, what skill is it at this time? Why is it so powerful?"?

"Captain Zhan, what skill is it at this time? Why is it so powerful?"? Just for a while, the fatigue of the whole body seems to have disappeared, and people are more energetic! Lei Ming was the first to finish his work. He stood up and said in surprise. Are you so happy when you just start practicing? Zhan Feng looked at Lei Ming with a smile and said, "Believe me, as long as you insist on practicing like this every day, more benefits are still ahead!" "Captain Zhan, do we have to train after breakfast?" Thunder asked hesitantly. Aren't you talking nonsense? Zhan Feng rolled his eyes and said, "It's just a warm-up exercise. The real training hasn't started yet!" "What?"? All this hard work is just a warm-up.. Thunder immediately showed a sad face. They had not had time to rest for a while after breakfast, the voice of the war peak in front of the barracks again, this time the soldiers have learned, just get up a little late in the morning, the war peak almost demolished the barracks, who knows what damage the war peak will do this time? An exciting spirit, all the people ran faster than the rabbit, a second later, all the people have stood in front of the battle peak. So soon? Even Zhanfeng was very surprised! Zhan Feng's eyes flashed red, evil 18 people immediately lined up in front of the soldiers, sixteen blood-red eyes staring at all the soldiers, only looking at all the people all over a burst of discomfort, a sense of foreboding has risen in the hearts of the soldiers. From now on, my eight men are your enemies. You have to do everything you can to knock them down. Of course,digital whiteboard price, they will fight back. Only when you knock them down, today's training is over. Remember, you have to do your best. Don't lie on the ground and play dead, because in that case, you don't even think about dinner today!!! As soon as Zhanfeng finished speaking, everyone's face turned pale. Zhanfeng was too lazy to pay attention to it. He moved a big wooden chair and sat at the door of the barracks with his legs crossed. Fight with these eight monsters? Is there any mistake? Isn't this a death wish? Everyone looked at the evil man in front of him, and could not help but swallow a mouthful of spit with difficulty, his heart beating faster and faster, and he was dripping with cold sweat. Everyone hesitated to take the initiative to attack. It turns out that you are all cowardly bears. No wonder others look down on you. I wonder if you are still men? If you only have this courage,face recognition identification kiosk, I think you will always be cannon fodder!!! Zhan Feng's words were very acerbic, leaving no room, just like a sharp steel needle stuck in the cranial nerves of the soldiers. The words of the war peak really played a role, the war peak has seen the spark of anger in the eyes of the soldiers. Like a pack of wounded wolves, three hundred and two men roared and pounced on the evil men. Evil and others did not take the initiative to attack, but when more than three hundred people came up for a moment, eight people and sixteen arms suddenly turned forward, this time, evil and others only used 20% of the true yuan, black fists rained down in front of them, the shadow of the fist all over the sky was like a long eye, each fist shadow fell, there would be a sound of impact like defeating leather, accompanied by a series of sounds. A large number of soldiers were immediately shot out and fell three feet away, groaning in pain. All of you losers, interactive kiosk price ,temperature screening kiosk, get up, get punched, and you're like this? Stand up and rush for me! I do not know when the war peak has appeared beside the fallen soldiers, while kicking the fallen soldiers, while roaring. Clenching their teeth, the soldiers stood up from the ground and once again rushed to the evil men. These people just rushed up, then dozens of people rolled down to the foot of the war peak, in the war peak merciless abuse, these people also rushed up again. More than three hundred people around the evil class attack, constantly someone was hit by the evil class flying out, the soldiers howl one after another, endless, at the same time, the roar of Zhanfeng scolding has not been interrupted. Wave after wave of people were smashed away, and wave after wave of people got up from the ground and joined the battle group again. After the whole battle lasted for an hour, looking at the black and blue soldiers, Zhanfeng finally shouted to stop, but Zhanfeng did not let anyone rest even for a minute. Under the command of Zhanfeng, everyone began to meditate in situ again. Gui Yi Jue is really magical, half an hour's time, everyone has once again restored the spirit of the spirit. But thought that the war peak so let them go, that is a big mistake, then, the war peak and issued an order to attack the evil class. An hour later, when everyone was so tired that they almost fainted, Zhanfeng shouted to stop again, and they began to practice the formula again, and so on. Six hours later, it was close to evening, and the battle between the soldiers and the evil men lasted for four rounds before Zhanfeng finally let them go. When Zhanfeng left, he looked at the sky and shouted, "Oh, no, I'm afraid there will be a rainstorm tonight." Finally the war peak looked at the exhausted soldiers left such a sentence, almost let everyone crazy, that is: since everyone is so hard, the house does not need to be repaired! No need to repair the house, what to do when the rainstorm comes? Looking triumphantly out of the peak of the barracks, and then looking at the barracks with holes everywhere, the soldiers hated it so much that their teeth itched, but they swallowed their own bitterness and could not make a sound. Do it! Thunder looked at the dark sky with a wry smile, shouted to the crowd, and led the crowd to begin repairing the barracks. Chapter 50 of the main text. For five days, the soldiers every day under the power of the war peak of the inhuman training, all full of evil people's fists, although every day tired like a dead dog, but can not but say that the method of the war peak is very effective. Over the past five days, although the soldiers were still beaten all over the ground by the evil men, the true yuan used by the evil men in dealing with the siege of the crowd had increased from 20% to 40%, and the overall strength of the soldiers had obviously improved significantly. On the morning of the sixth day,facial recognition thermometer, Zhu Xiaoyou, the general manager of Hanyue City, came to Zhanfeng's house early in the morning and asked Zhanfeng to take the independent squadron to participate in a seven-day field hunting.
