Host, please don't attack the evil woman.

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Song Qi rubbed Jiang Yin's face: "Delicious, but if you can feed me,

Song Qi rubbed Jiang Yin's face: "Delicious, but if you can feed me, I feel the taste will be better." Jiang Yin glared at Song Qi angrily. [System BH: I'm going to throw up! I haven't been here for a while. How did this happen?] [System NZ: I'm used to it.] [System BH: Why are you still the female system? Why don't you change your name?] [System NZ: She's a woman, too. There's nothing wrong with her.] Song Qi ate all the desserts. Jiang Yin expressed shock: "You deserve to be an orange cat." Song Qi:.. "After all, it's all your heart, and I'm just embarrassed to waste it." Song Qi looked at Jiang Yin, especially seriously. Originally Jiang Yin still wanted to speak, but Song Qi stared at him blushing and closed his mouth. Song Qi ate a lot in the afternoon, still ate dinner in the evening, her own heart also sighed with emotion, worthy of the orange cat constitution, of course, did not say to let Jiang Yin hear. Before going to bed at night, Song Qi also went to hang around in front of Jiang Yin twice, but she did not see it. However, at midnight, a small raccoon quietly scurried into Song Qi's room and got into Song Qi's arms. Song Qi also did not open his eyes, closed his eyes,touch screen digital signage, rubbed her head at random: "Why, still stay up until now." And then the raccoon hit me in the face. Three days later, Jiang Yin received a message to let her go to work, but to hide from her colleagues that she was a demon. Jiang Yin has no opinion, anyway, she has always been used to being a person. Under Song Qi's mandatory request, Jiang Yin still takes Song Qi's car to work,outdoor digital signage displays, but will stop at the front intersection of the company and let her down. It's not really necessary. "It is necessary." "Give me a kiss and come and pick you up in the evening." Jiang Yin lowered his head and stretched out his face. Song Qi put her head straight and kissed her on the lips. Ah! My lipstick! Let's see. I don't know if I can get off work on time. Jiang Yin stared at Song Qi and carried the bag on his back. Have to work overtime on the first day? Song Qi frowned. Who knows, goodbye, you also go to work quickly! "I know." Chapter 177 she is no longer a person (12). Song Qi suddenly felt that if life had been like this, it would be good. In other words, this is her ideal life. The world is peaceful, life is leisurely, and there are people around. There was a little more smile on her face. The system NZ looked at the sweet smile on Song Qi's face and knew what she was thinking. Host, by the way, you are so idle now, can you adjust to the working state when you go back? "Yes." Song Qi is careless, "only by ending everything quickly can we reunite with her earlier." "Notice, there is a week, you can go back, Interactive digital signage ,temperature check kiosk, go back to the channel has been set up, after going back, I will fall into a dormant state, wait for you to find a container to store the leaves, you can wake me up, after this matter is resolved, I will leave." System NZ said, "Any container can be used, and our system will help to transform it." "Yes, thank you." Host, are you so cold? At least we've been together for so long. System NZ sighed faintly, "I thought you would be reluctant to part with me." "Don't think too much." Song Qi knocked on the direction. There are still seven days to go. What should I do. She also started to prepare the ring very early, and it just arrived a few days ago. When she gets back, the ring will have to be done again. Does Jiang Yin know about this? "I haven't told her system yet, so she doesn't know." "Then don't tell her yet." Song Qi went to the company and called Ye Sui to go to the office. Ye Sui also enjoyed the life of a normal person for a period of time, and there were many more smiles on his face. Seven days later, we will go back. Ye Sui froze for a moment. Don't you want to go back? Song Qi looked at him. Think, just suddenly heard, a little surprised. Song Qi was silent for a few seconds: "I will take you back together, what requirements do you have for your body?"? I'll find a way to have you made. Ye Sui:?? "There's nothing to ask, as long as you can fight." "All right." Ye Sui hesitated for a few seconds and then added, "Don't be too ugly. Be like a man.". ” "Good." Song Qi felt a little funny, Ye Sui used to be completely indifferent to his external image, did not expect to now have the heart of beauty, but this is also good. However, Song Qi thought that after he went back, he needed to ask his scientific research department to study handsome male bionic people, and suddenly felt that there were some perverts. After Ye Sui went out, he looked at the people in the office and sighed. What's going on? Erha. Ye Sui:.. "It's okay." "Are you all right? Have you been scolded?" No, do you have time in the evening? I'll treat you to dinner. Ye Sui thought for a moment and decided to do something he hadn't done before. Other people who had not paid much attention to it were blown up by Ye Sui's words. You're fired? "Really?"? Silly is a little silly, but it's not wrong. Ye Sui:.. "No, I just want to invite you to dinner." Ye Sui was a little speechless. Ture "Really." Ye Sui nodded, "in a good mood." "Is the boss going?" "Without her." Ye Sui said that if he called Song Qi, Song Qi would definitely take his wife with him, and then the other people in the box would not pass. The others silently gave Ye Suibi a thumb. See Ye Sui said nothing, people also dispersed. Song Qi had nothing to do in the office until it was time to get off work, and then she saw the message sent to her by Jiang Yin. Said he had to work overtime. When he saw the news, Song Qi's whole person was gloomy, but there was no way. When she went out of the office, she found that everyone else had run away, neatly,thermal imaging camera, no one left, and she was the last person to leave the whole office. Song Qi took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his circle of friends. Chi Ying: My wife worked overtime. When she opened the door of the office, she found that everyone had run away. 。
