Why Make a Book Trailer Video

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If you're a first-time author planning your book publicity campaign, a trailer video might take time to come to mind. But there's a growing body of experience suggesting they are worthwhile. The internet is hungry for content, and video is a favorite. If you produce something fun or interesting that works in many places and can be shared easily, you may be surprised by its value. Also, things posted online stay around forever and you'll sell books years from now based on your video. The point is to reach target readers in as many ways as possible, and video is a wise way to expand your platform.

A well-produced book trailer video is an exceptional item to post on social media and your website. If you have a blog (and most authors should), you can write a post to promote its launch. You don't need Hollywood-level production values if you're clever about the content. Try to think like your readers and develop something to catch their attention. Creating a buzz is the name of the game in book promotion and PR. Video press releases are also an option if your book lends itself to something longer form and more informational. The purpose is to engage people, get them talking, and share the video.

What is the purpose of making a book trailer video? To spark readers' attention or interest the media in your book. They are especially popular and successful for fiction genres but work well for any book when well produced. Some of the most influential book trailers were created with ingenuity on a lower budget. You don't need an elaborate production as long as it's catchy and interesting – and makes an easy connection to your book. While it might be tempting to assume going overboard will improve the results, experience shows it seldom does. The internet is primarily a down-to-earth, user-generated world. 

Depending on how you plan to sell and market your book, a trailer video can also be helpful with retail buyers. It's a way for salespeople to introduce your work and help spark interest. Some of your competitors may have trailers, but many will not. Producing one can give your book an advantage to help it end up on more store shelves. There is no silver bullet for book marketing; many program components, like trailer videos, combine to give your title momentum. There is a great opportunity and equal competition. Searching for ways to make yourself and your work stand out is vital to success.
