Convenience of packaged goods

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Overall, flexible packaging is now a very popular choice amongst businesses because they’re the future of convenience packaging.

But what exactly is consumer convenience, and how can consumer Convenience of packaged goods hope to measure up to consumers’ expectations? More and more, consumers are growing accustomed to getting exactly what they want–and that translates to packaging of goods. Consumers also demand versatility for packaging and expect the size of the packaging to fit the product perfectly depending on the size. Variety is good in most aspects of life, and packaging is not an exemption by any means. Studies have shown that consumers prefer packaging and containers that are safe, functional and visually pleasing, but above all, convenient. The majority of today’s consumers appreciate packaging that keeps products fresh, evenly distributes portion size and is mobile, above all. Consumers really love the ability to take their favorite products with them on the go. Quantity also seems to be a major point of interest for packaging purposes. Depending on the amount of people they’re buying for, consumers appreciate the ability to buy products in packaging labeled “Family Size” or “Party Size” to accommodate a larger amount of people. On the other side of the coin, consumers appreciate single-serving size packaging which cuts down on wastefulness and ultimately saves the consumer money.
