textile printing & dyeing & leather manufacturers

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textile printing & dyeing & leather manufacturerstextile printing & dyeing & leather manufacturers

textile printing dyeing leather manufacturers Sodium Thiocyanate NaSCN CAS No. 540-72-7 Sodium Thiocyanate is a white orthorhombic crystal or powder, the relative density is 1.735, and the melting point is about 287 鈩? NaSCN is easily soluble in water, ethanol, acetone, and other solvents. The aqueous solution is neutral. 1CAS No.:540-72-7 2EINECS No.:208-754-4 3MOLECULAR FORMULA:NaSCN 4SYNONYMS:sodium thiocyanate; Sodium Thiocyan; Sodium thiocyanide; Scyan; Natrium thiocyanat; Thiocyanate, sodium; Sodium Rhodanide; 5FORMS:White crystal or powder 6PACKAGING:25kgs/1000kgs plastic woven bag TECHNICAL PARAMETER AppearanceWhite crystal powderWhite crystal powderWhite crystal powder NaSCN Min %(Drying)95.0% Min98.0% Min99.0% Min PH value in water (50g/L)6.0-8.06.0-8.06.0-8.0 Clarity Test in WaterClarityClarityClarity Insoluble Substance in water0.02% Max0.02% Max0.02% Max Chloride(cl- )0.08% Max0.04% Max0.04% Max Sulfate(SO42- )0.08% Max0.06% Max0.04% Max Heavy metal (Pb)0.003% Max0.003% Max0.003% Max Iron(Fe)0.0003% Max0.0003% Max0.0003% Max Water4.0% Max2.0% Max1.0% Max APPLICATION Sodium Thiocyanate can be used in different applications in the textile and fiber industry, agriculture, metal and steel, and construction. NaSCN is used as a concrete additive for construction, cement grinding aid, acrylonitrile fiber spinning solvent, chemical analysis reagent, photo chemicals for filmstrip, certain plant defoliants, and airport road herbicide. It is also used in pharmaceutical intermediates, intermediates of pesticides, herbicides and insecticides, mineral processing agents, printing and dyeing, rubber processing, black nickel plating, and the manufacture of artificial mustard oil, etc.textile printing dyeing leather manufacturers website:http://www.chemcotec.com/textile-printing-dyeing-leather/
