Electric Pool Heat Pump VS Gas Pool Heater

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Alsavo uses environmentally friendly refrigerants while making heat pumps to decrease ecological influence. Due to Alsavo's sleek design and silent operation, your home might be transformed into a pleasant paradise!

pool Heat pump

Which type of heater is best - Gas or Electric pool heat pumps?

In this article we will objectively discuss the pros and cons of both types of heaters.Electric pool heat pump or Gas Pool Heater! With winters being colder than ever this year, pool heaters are a hot topic. Many home pools don't have pool heaters and used to think you could swim without them. But that's when avid swimmers realize they need to install a pool heater after a particularly cold winter.A pool heater keeps the pool at the right temperature so that people can swim at any time without frostbite.

Electric Pool Heat Pump

GOOD:                                                NOT WELL:

1  Fast Heating                                     1   Operates at Temperatures above 50ºF

2  Low Maintenance                               2   Slow Heating Time

3  Operational Security                           3   Professional Installation Required

4  Easy Installation                                4   Higher Upfront Costs

Gas Heater

GOOD:                                                        NOT WELL:

1  Fast Heating                                             1   Higher Operating Costs

2  Heating at Low Temperature                      2   Require More Frequent Repairs

3  Controller Compatible                                3   Not Suitable For Indoor Pools

4  Cheaper Upfront Cost                                4   Not Environmentally Friendly

electric pool heat pump
We Believe Gas Pool Heater May BeThe Best Choice If:

*You have an attached spa and you want to heat it to over 100 degrees *You plan to heat your pool in early spring, late fall, or year-round *Adding a 30-50 amp breaker requires a "big overhaul" to your electrical service *Your gas meter is very close to the pool equipment pad *You have installed a 500 gallon propane tank (LPG) on the property

And The Electric Pool Heat Pump May Be The Best Choice If:

*You want a greener pool heater that emits no carbon oxides *Your pool typically closes when the daily outside temperature drops below 60ºF *Slow heating is not a problem


Most pool heaters, whether gas or electric, can be installed yourself. But for safety reasons, it is recommended that you should hire a professional heat pump electrician, HVAC contractor pool heat pump supplier. Anything else about the installation, including purchase, placement and installation repairs Ask yourself - do you and your family go swimming every day? If your answer is yes, perhaps an electric heat pump is the best way to heat your pool. Ask yourself - do you want to stay an extra month at the end of each season, or keep your pool open for the colder months? If you want to swim year round (or most of the year) and live in an extremely cold climate. In this case, a gas heater will be your best option and can keep whatever temperature you want up to 104ºF.

Buying a Pool Heater

The first and most important thing is to determine the size of the pool. The size of the pool determines the power of the pool heater you want to buy. There is also thinking about what your ideal pool temperature is, which is calculating how much heat you need. How much heat corresponds to how much power, design to power consumption, time, and energy-saving lamps. 10ºF, 20ºF is easy, but if you need to raise the temperature by 30ºF or more, you'll need a large heater, and possibly even a gas heater, both used together. heat pump companies

Install Pool Heat Pump

Heat pump companies Pool heater installation I recommend leaving it to a professional, and here I am going to explain where to place the pool heater, you may need to make some room near the pool filter to accommodate the pool heater. Typically approximately 5'x5' of space is required for ventilation, exhaust and service access. Build or buy a suitable pad, preferably in a sunny, dry location without excessive plants, shrubs or overhanging trees.
