Bulk Pigment Bulk Pigment

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Bulk Pigment Introduction Red Cabbage Color is a natural edible red pigment extracted from the edible vegetable Brassica Oleraea var Capiata L. This product is a mixture of anthocyanin pigments. The main ingredient is two cornflowers. Soluble in water, aqueous ethanol, and acetic acid, insoluble in oil. Stability: good heat and light resistance. Susceptible to iron, tin, copper plasma, and discoloration. When the aqueous solution is acidic, it is red and reddish purple. Blue when neutral; It is unstable, and green when alkaline. Specification ITEMSSTANDARDTEST RESULTS Color ValueE(1%,1cm,530卤6nm)鈮?0E52.10 Physical Chemical AppearanceDeep Red PowderComplies Taste OdorCharacteristicComplies Particle Size98% Pass 80meshComplies pH2.0-4.03 Loss on drying鈮?.0%3.97% Ash鈮?.0%0.84% SolubilitySoluble in waterComplies ConclusionConform with specification, Non-GMO, Non-Irradiation, Allergen Free, BSE/TSE Free. StorageStore in cool and dry places. Keep away from strong light and heat. PackingBy 5kgs/aluminum foil bag, 5bags/Drum Shelf Life24 months under the above condition, and in its original package Function 1. Improve blood glucose and blood lipids Recent studies have found that cabbage sprouts may improve insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, one cabbage contains about 7.8 grams of fiber, and adequate fiber intake can slow blood sugar rise and promote blood fat metabolism after a meal. 2. Maintain slight bone density In addition to adequate calcium and vitamin D, various nutrients are needed to maintain bone metabolism, one of which is vitamin K. Vitamin K is a cofactor that assists in enzyme synthesis and calcium-binding protein and is associated with the maintenance of bone vessel density. Every 100 grams of kale contains about 100 to 200 micrograms of vitamin K9, which is enough daily to avoid vitamin K deficiency. 3. The anticancer Kale contains physics that act as important antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents in preventing chronic diseases, including neoplasia and coronary artery disease. Its RICH antioxidant components can enhance the detoxification ability of the enzyme system in the body, neutralize the damage caused by toxins to DNA, and prevent cancer cell metastasis. 4. Improve stomach ulcers Kale is rich in methionine and other green plants, this ingredient may help peptic ulcer healing. Application 1. Food additives As one of the natural food pigments, Red Cabbage Color has been used as a colorant in candy, salad, lactic acid bacteria drinks, carbonated drinks, solid drinks, and fruit wine. 2. Stain Using 0.35mol /L HCl as the extraction solvent, liquid-solid ratio 25鈭?, 60鈩? 3 h, the red pigment dyeing solution was extracted from cabbage, and the dyeing of this product was studied in wool and silk fabrics. Various dyeing processes were optimized in an orthogonal way. The results showed that the direct, aluminum-medium dyeing obtained different samples of the purple, blue, and green series, and iron-medium dyeing methods, respectively. The color was pure, and the conventional dyeing fastness (rubbing fastness above grade 4) was good, except that the sun fastness (below grade 3) was not good. 3. Acid and base indicator The results showed that the color of the solution changed sensitively with the change in pH value, and the color change was reversible. When the pH value is 7.24, a color mutation can be used for an acid-base titration test. Using this product as an indicator, titrating NaOH solution, and comparing it with phenolphthalein, the results show that the average relative error of determination with this product as an indicator is 0.22%, which is smaller than that with phenolphthalein as an indicator 0.54%. The repeated five times are the same, indicating good repeatability and higher accuracy. The pH test paper was made with this product to determine the pH value of citric acid, baking soda, washing powder, and so on. In addition, this product can indicate the anodic region and cathode region liquid acid and alkaline changes for the electrolytic salt water test. 4. Antioxidants This product can eliminate the reactive oxygen species free radicals and inhibit the damage of Paraquat. The product also has a specific reduction ability, potent inhibition, and scavenging effect on lipid peroxidation and DPPH free radicals. In the experimental concentration range, the maximum inhibition rate of linoleic acid is 54.39%, and the maximum scavenging rate of DPPH free radical is 93.2%. Therefore, this product has potent antioxidant capacity in vivo and in vitro and is an excellent natural antioxidant. Customer Feedback Our Red Cabbage Color have sold well at home and abroad for a long time. Our customers are all over Europe, Southeast Asia, and North America.Bulk Pigment website:http://www.timyeehealth.com/pigment/
