how to build data into your architecture

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When companies fail to collect data, they lack insight into what technologies they need to update and in what order to provide the best service.

Once a telecom company has metrics about its services, that data must be synthesized and used. “This is a huge opportunity for industrial automation,” Bendre says. By integrating software and technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and internet of things (IoT) devices, companies can monitor customer activities and solve problems before they arise.

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To show why automation and integration are so important, Bendre explains two key pillars of the telecom industry that have traditionally operated independently:

  • Service delivery, in which the organization takes an order and delivers it

  • Service assurance stack, which ensures a service keeps running

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“But companies have started to think about this as a single, end-to-end platform,” he says. When everything is integrated into the same platform, it’s easier to gain visibility into issues, automate manual processes, and remove roadblocks. “This opens up new revenue possibilities,” he says.

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