Summary of practical experience with the CNC computer gong processing secrets

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When performing rough cutting, it is generally best to select the largest possible cutter, the largest possible feed amount, and the fastest possible feed speed

When performing rough cutting, it is generally best to select the largest possible cutter, the largest possible feed amount, and the fastest possible feed speed. This should be done while the machine tool is operating under its maximum load. The amount of feed required to sharpen a knife is inversely proportional to the amount of feed that is required. The weight of the material being processed by the machine does not constitute a challenge under typical conditions. When it comes to selecting the appropriate tool for the job, the primary consideration should die casting China be whether or not the two-dimensional angle and three-dimensional arc of the product are too small. Following the selection of the tool, the length of the tool should be measured. The length of the tool should be greater than the depth of the processing, as this is the guiding principle. When working with large pieces of material, it is essential to determine whether or not the chuck will cause interference.


Light knife: The function of a light knife is to satisfy the processing requirements of the surface finish of the workpiece while reserving an appropriate margin of error. In a similar manner, when selecting the light knife, one should select the largest knife possible, the quickest time possible (given that the fine knife requires a lot of time), and use the feed and feed that is most appropriate. If everything else remains the same, the speed of the feed will increase proportionately to the lateral feed's size. The amount of feed that is applied to the curved surface has a correlation to the smoothness that is achieved after processing. Employ the largest knife you can find, the highest speed possible, and the correct feed rate.


Clamping the workpiece with a vise requires that the processing height not be lower than 10 millimeters, and both the processing height and the clamping height must be specified before the workpiece can be processed. The processing height should be approximately 5 millimeters (mm) higher than the plane of the vise; this will ensure that the vise is not damaged while still allowing for sufficient firmness. This type of clamping is known as a general clamping, and the height of the clamping is determined not only by the type of workpiece but also by its dimensions. The clamping height will increase proportionally with the size of the workpiece being held. A code is used to identify the splint's location on the workbench, and screws are used to secure the workpiece to the splint. Workpieces that require a significant amount of processing force but have insufficient clamping height can benefit from this type of clamping. In most cases, the effect is optimal for workpieces that are medium to large in size.


CNC works in conjunction with electric discharge machining, which is the technique of Tonggong. In what circumstances is it necessary to make Tonggong? If the knife does not go down at all, then you need to make Tonggong, and there are still some Tonggong that can't go down, and the shape is protruding and needs to be divided again. The knife can be lowered, but in order for it to be made of copper, it needs to be a knife that is easy to break as well. Whether or not this is necessary depends on the circumstances, but products that call for fire patterns need to be made of copper. In the event that the copper male cannot be manufactured, the bone position will be too thin and too high; the male will be susceptible to damage and deformation; and the deformation and sparking deformation that will occur during processing will necessitate the use of inserts at this time. The surface of things that have been processed by Tong Gong has the ability to overcome many challenges associated with precision gongs as well as many challenges associated with drawing.


Choose the surface that will be made of copper, finish the surface that will be supplemented, or extend the surface that will be extended in order to guarantee that all edges of the copper will be larger than the edge that will be punched without causing any damage to the surface of other products and to eliminate the need for any additional cleaning. The plane angle (the intersection with the plane angle is a deeper glue position), making up a regular shape; determining the maximum shape of the copper male, employing a boundary, and then projecting it to the supporting surface; determining the size of the reference frame, cutting off the supporting surface, and arriving at a solution to the problem; andThe majority of the work on this copper map is finished;material preparation:height, length, and width minus the maximum values for Ymax and Xmax serve as the reference frame. length * width * heightIt is imperative that both the length and width of the actual copper material exceed the dimensions of the reference frame shown on the drawing. Clamping height is equal to the theoretical size of the copper male plus the height of the reference frame plus the clamping height.



The processing of tool paths consists of the following areas: the selected surface in the selected range is used as the termination surface, and the principle consists of all of the places where the tool can go down from the highest point to the lowest point. It is recommended that the entire surface be selected, and the boundary should consist of only the area that will be processed. The distance without the surface is less than half of the tool radius because there is enough margin for other surfaces so that it is automatically protected; it is best to extend the line with the lowest point, because there is an R gong at the point with the lowest point. Knife selection, including situations in which the tool cannot feed in a spiral or oblique line, or when an area that cannot be processed is sealed off and left for a second roughing pass.


Before using the light knife, all areas that have not yet been roughed, particularly small corners, must be roughed. This applies to both two-dimensional and three-dimensional corners, as well as areas that have been sealed. Otherwise, the knife will break. Roughing in the secondary level:In most cases, three-dimensional grooving is used to select the range, while plane grooving and shaping tool paths can be accomplished with the help of flat-bottomed knives. When the shape of the groove is strip, it is impossible to use a spiral feed with an angle of 1. 5 degrees and a height of 1 when attempting to reach the selected boundary from the center of the tool without causing damage to other surfaces. In general, do not refine the boundary; instead, use a fast two-way angle, and, depending on the circumstances, do not refine the boundary. A slanted line is used to feed the spiral lower knife into the spiral cutter. In most cases, the filter will be opened, particularly in situations where the curved surface is rough. In order to prevent a collision with the knife, the plane of the knife should not be at a low angle.


It is necessary to define boundaries when milling a variety of planes, including concave and flat grooves, as well as milling partially open planes. In theory, the tool can enter (the distance must be greater than one tool radius), the open part must be greater than fifty percent of the tool radius, and the perimeter must be closed. Utilize the shape layering to lift the knife (plane shape) once it die casting services has been determined that the selected plane is appropriate for the shape layering. It is not necessary to lift the knife when the point at which one would lift the knife and the point at which one would lower the knife are the same point. The z-plane, in most cases, will lift the knife, and the relative height will not be utilized to the greatest extent possible; the direction of correction will generally be to the right. It is appropriate for the inside of the structure. If there are four circles on the open surface, then the top surface needs to be sealed. The selection of the range and height is required regardless of whether or not it falls within four circles. Roughing refers to the processing that can take place in any plane. If the distance is greater than one tool radius, either a larger knife or two shapes of equal height will be required. If the distance is less than one tool diameter, however, a standard knife will suffice.
