Select Children Eyeglasses Lenses Based On Their Needs

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In terms of lens selection, children's eyeglasses can be selected based on their needs. For amblyopia, hyperopia, and high astigmatism, it is recommended to choose kids' eyeglasses near me high-definition lenses.

In terms of lens selection, childrens eyeglasses can be selected based on their needs. For amblyopia, hyperopia, and high astigmatism, it is recommended to choose kids' eyeglasses near me high-definition lenses.


Myopia, especially with rapid degree growth, is recommended to choose kids' eyeglasses near me prevention and control lenses with the best prevention and control effects and authoritative clinical trial data.


The result of optometry with computer optometer in a State of Nature without Ciliary muscle paralysis agent and with possible regulation.


If the adjustment and control are poor, the optometry results can easily shift toward negative degrees (in the direction of myopia). Namely, the degree of farsightedness will decrease compared to the real one, while those with flat light will become nearsighted, and the degree of nearsightedness will be higher than the real one.


A 6-year-old child with emmetropic eyes has a myopia of -7.00D measured by computer optometry, which is common. The younger the age, the more likely this situation is to occur, so for children with strong regulation, the results of computer optometry are unreliable.


According to the results of computer optometry, optimal vision refers to obtaining the best vision during optometry, which can be corrected to 1.5, which is 1.5 instead of 1.0. The goal of optometry is optimal vision, not necessarily 1.0.


On the basis of obtaining optimal vision, choose the most "positive" luminosity. First, let's talk about 'best vision' and then 'most accurate'. Subjective optometry may also have poor regulation and control, with the optometric results shifting towards negative degrees (in the direction of myopia), so children's subjective optometry may be unstable.
